
The Same, But Different: Side-Giggers In Search of Extra Income

Data gathered for the first time in 2014 shows that, alongside solopreneurs, there
are 12.1 million additional independent workers who have an ongoing stream
of side-gigs alongside their traditional employment, retirement and/or family
care activities. These “Side-Giggers” work fewer than 15 hours a week as an
independent on a recurring basis. Although the Side-Giggers’ primary motivation
for being independent is to supplement income, many are also pursuing a passion,
learning new skills or preparing to launch a new full-time business.
The Future of Work: Shades of Independence Will Alter How We

Think About Work
Key drivers of the independent workforce – structural shifts in the economy;
cheaper, better and more accessible technology; improved networks; and more
acute interest in steering our own personal and professional lives — remain
in place and, if anything, are growing stronger. Because of this, we expect the
solopreneurs — those who consider themselves full-time independents — to grow
to 24.5 million by 2019. When we add part-time side-gigging independents into the
fold, we expect the number of active, self-realized independents to grow from 30
million today to nearly 40 million by 2019 (or about 6% percent per year growth
over the next 5 years).

The Three Consistent Drivers
Despite a changing economic climate, a few themes remain constant in the four
years we have studied independent workers. Most independents choose and plan
to continue this path because they want: (1) control over the kind of work they do,
(2) the flexibility to determine when and where they work, and (3) the autonomy to
work in the way they believe best. These tenets hold true for both Side-Giggers and
full-time independents, although those who work on a less-than-half time basis are
also strongly motivated by supplementing their income.

What solopreneurs Want

1. Control over the kind of work they do
2. Flexibility to determine when and where they work
3. Autonomy to work in the way they believe best

Source: http://info.mbopartners.com/rs/mbo/images/2014-MBO_Partners_State_of_Independence_Report.pdf

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