
Solopreneurs — These Full-time Independents are the Beating Heart of Independent Work and Fuel Small Business Growth

The 4th annual 2014 MBO Partners State of Independence in America workforce study 
reports a growing headcount of 17.9 million “solopreneur” independent workers - or 
those who regularly work 15 hours or more per week as independents, with an average of 
34 hours per week (see side bar “Defining Independent Workers”).

This is up 1.2% from 2013 and 12.5% from the base year of 2011. This growth, which is more than 11 times higher than the 1.1% growth in the overall U.S. labor force during this 4-year period, 
demonstrates the continued, structural shift toward independent work. In addition to 
growing in number, the majority of independent workers continue to be satisfied (82%) 
and plan on staying independent in the future (76%).

Solopreneurs also are major contributors to the U.S. economy and are significant drivers 
of economic growth. More than $1.1 trillion of total revenue was generated by these 
independents in 2014 — and they further spent more than $150 billion on non-payroll/
contractor expenses. Already, about 1 in 12 U.S. households – or more than 10 million – 
rely on independent work for more than half of their income. This number will continue 
to grow. 

Independent workers are job creators and a major source of new employer small 
businesses. In the past year solopreneurs spent $92 billion hiring the equivalent 
of 2.2 million full-time employees via contract hiring. 

Further, 1 in 7 solopreneurs – or 2.5 million – plan to build bigger businesses in the future, 
adding more jobs and economic impact. Their actions are both changing and broadening 
the definition of successful entrepreneurship in our nation as their numbers grow. 

Solopreneur Independents
•  Majority work more than 35 hours/week
•  Average tenure = 9.4 years
•  19% have a traditional FT or PT job
•  57% like being their own boss
•  16% said supplementing income was motivator

Side-Gigger Independents
•  Work an average of 11 hours/week
•  Average tenure = 6.5 years
•  60% have a traditional FT or PT job
•  33% like being their own boss

•  58% said supplementing income was motivator

Source: http://info.mbopartners.com/rs/mbo/images/2014-MBO_Partners_State_of_Independence_Report.pdf

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