

MBO Partners, the first company to provide year-over-year survey research on the independent workforce in America, has consistently depicted the headcount and sentiments of independent workers committed to their path with its annual MBO Partners State of Independence in America Report. To develop this comprehensive view of the independent workforce, more than 11,000 independent workers have been surveyed and hundreds more interviewed over the course of this multi-year study.

Executive Summary
The 2014 MBO Partners State of Independence Report — the company’s 4th consecutive census and attitudinal survey of the independent workforce – provides a snapshot of those who regularly work 15+ hours per week as an independent. The majority of these so-called “solopreneurs” are full-time, working more than 35 hours per week as independents. They continue to choose this path in spite of signs of economic recovery and increased traditional hiring.

In addition, the 2014 MBO Partners State of Independence Report builds on its traditional census of solopreneurs this year by expanding the headcount to include those part-time independents working side-gigs alongside traditional employment, retirement and/or family care activities. These “Side-Giggers” work fewer than 15 hours a week (less than half-time) as an independent on a recurring basis.

Together, these groups paint a more complete and nuanced picture of the population of independent workers in our nation — showing us for the first time the disparate realities hidden in the shades of independent work. Clear implications for workers, for hiring companies, for consumers and for those that study workforce policy and change are evident in the data on these related groups. What binds them together? Where do their experiences converge and pull apart? Why did each choose the path and will they stay on it? What is the total population growth? These questions, and more are answered in the 2014 MBO Partners State of Independence in America Report.

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